Presented by RPW Solutions, LLC
RPW Solutions has one core purpose: helping people understand and address the consequences of one of the most significant life changing events their family may ever face. Most people have not planned for the eventuality that their ability to be independently active will decline in their later years. By not addressing this eventuality, they are jeopardizing the future health and welfare of their loved ones. Sadly, many families realize this shortcoming only when it starts to rip a big hole in their financial plans and begins tearing the fabric of their way of life. At that point, their options for dealing with the situation they find themselves in are very limited.
Fortunately, there are ways to address this very consequential risk. RPW Solutions has the experience and expertise to guide people through the important "What if?" scenarios that they should be thinking about today as well as the options they should consider to address them. We call this "HelpCare Planning" - a thoughtful step-by-step approach to closing a very critical gap in most people's financial plans. If you are an individual seeking guidance for you and your family, RPW Solutions can help. And if you own a business or manage employee benefit plans for your company, we can show you the very attractive tax benefits that various HelpCare Planning solutions can provide.
Ray Welnicki has over 30 years of leadership expertise in insurance and financial services. As Senior Vice President & Head of the Employee Benefits Division at Hartford Life Insurance Company, he brought this Division with 1,600 employees to a leadership position in the Group Life & Disability Insurance industry. As Vice President at Aetna Life Insurance Company, he successfully led their Long Term Care Insurance business to prominence in Group Long Term Care Insurance with new products, improved customer servicing and state-of-the-art administration systems. In all of his roles, he instilled in his employees a shared passion for helping covered members through life's most significant challenges.
Ray is a a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. He served as a delegate to the White House Conference on Aging and has worked with industry groups on a variety of regulatory and legislative initiatives.